Friday, September 12, 2008

bacaan yang penting buat anda

Maraji' bacaan yang penting buat anda:
1. Fatwa MUI: Perayaan Natal Bersama;
2. Kompas, "Belajar dari Ngepeh dan Mojowangi", Sabtu, 29 November 2003;
3. Dalil Dilarangnya Mengucap Selamat Natal;
4. Saul of Tarsus, Mithraic Cults, and Christ’s Blood;
5. Dr C Groenen OFM, “Sejarah Dogma Kristologi”, Yayasan Kanisius, 1988.
6. Dr Hudoyo Hupudiyo, MPH, “Sejarah Trinitas”;
7. The Jesus Seminar;
8. Paul the Apostle and Salvation thru Faith (12 Heresies of Christianity);
9. Steve Mizrach, “The Dead Sea Scrolls Controversy”;
10. Bilal Cleland, “Islam and Unitarians – The Quest for Truth and Justice (Part 1), “Salam” Mei-Juni 2003
11. Marvin Perry, “Western Civilization, Ideas, Politics, and Society”, 2nd ed., Houghton Mifflin Company, hal. 150-167;12. Rev. Roderick M. Brown, “Celebrating Our Christian Heritage”;

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